Electrical Testing and Commissioning

      • Protection testing for 11 kV panels and other electrical equipment.
      • HV and MV cable testing up to 33 KV.
      • Full commissioning and on-site performance testing.
      • New Electrical Service Connection:
        • Coordination with Kahramaa for the design, approval, installation, and energization of new electrical service connections.
      • Cable Fault Location and Repair:
        • Advanced detection, location, and repair of cable faults.
      • Electrical Equipment Maintenance:
        • Routine and emergency maintenance of electrical equipment, including switchgears and transformers.

+974 4438 3100

mail : qpcwll@qpcwll.com

Grade (A) Contractor to the Electrical Network Construction throughout Qatar and mainly involved in supply, installation, testing and commissioning of electrical distribution network related to ELECTRO-MECHANICAL works